JWS, you obviously are familiar with Mormon history. If anyone is interested in reading a good biography from a non-Mormon standpoint, the book "Joseph Smith" by Robert V Rimini is very good. Smith is arguably the most significant figure in American religious history. Certainly much more interesting than Pastor Russell. A recurring pattern in religions is that from one founder springs various offshoots/splinter groups after their death. I believe both Smith and Russell had 4 separate religions come out of their teachings, after their deaths. Brigham Young and Judge Rutherford obviously got the lion's share of the original membership.
jay dubless
JoinedPosts by jay dubless
Mormon ambush at Walmart
by jws inwhile one might expect to have girl scouts trying to sell you things outside walmart.
today i brought my son to the walmart grocery store and as we were getting out of our car, mormons approached us.. they asked if i knew who they were.
and if i'd talked to them before.
jay dubless
1st Church of Jay Dublessness, of course. It would be a pyramid scheme. I'll be on top, naturally.
David Gilmour Sings Shakespeare's Sonnet 18
by cantleave inthis is rather wonderful............... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=s8osse7w9fs.
jay dubless
Nice! Love Gilmour. Kinda seems weird to see him without a guitar though.
Proof of Heaven book - anyone read it?
by jay dubless init was released a few months ago.
it is not religious propaganda.
written by dr eben alexander, a neurosurgeon, who went into a coma for a week, and his subsequent journey into the afterlife.
jay dubless
I was only trying to initiate discussion about the points Dr Eben brought up in his book. Not debate whether NDEs are real or imagined. I never claimed his book is absolute truth. Only that I personally find the Dr and his story credible. So when someone quotes this scientist or that expert, who is in complete disagreement, this can be done to argue almost any viewpoint. If I asked if anyone has read the book "UFO Exopolitics and New World Disorder", by ED V Komareck, is it really necessary to jump in and start to bashing because there are other experts who have a different viewpoint? And as far as absolute truth about an afterlife or not, no one here on this forum, or anywhere else on earth, can have an accurate answer about that for certain, until your personal hourglass runs out of sand. So, if you have read the book, and wish to discuss specifics, that would be great. If you haven't read it, and don't care to, nobody is twisting your arm.
Proof of Heaven book - anyone read it?
by jay dubless init was released a few months ago.
it is not religious propaganda.
written by dr eben alexander, a neurosurgeon, who went into a coma for a week, and his subsequent journey into the afterlife.
jay dubless
Anthony Mouse, did you read the book? You didn't say so. And who said he is an expert? You sound like a JW instructing us not to read, let alone evaluate, any outside material. Sheesh. There seems to be a lot of residual effect of being in the Society around here. And I am not asking scientists, I am asking ex JWs. Next please.
Proof of Heaven book - anyone read it?
by jay dubless init was released a few months ago.
it is not religious propaganda.
written by dr eben alexander, a neurosurgeon, who went into a coma for a week, and his subsequent journey into the afterlife.
jay dubless
So true that one can't prove such a journey to be true. You have to believe him, or not. I had to re-read the 3 chapters about the 3 different realms several times to try and really get ahold on it. Ruderedhead, just read those specific chapters again and see what you think. But the chapters are short, and it's an easy read. I think the concept of not having a body is very foreign to most of us. The point he made about having 360 degree vision was outstanding. I never imagined that. As far as the terms he used; earthworm's eye view, gateway, core, om...he had to come up with something, since there were no welcome signs.
Proof of Heaven book - anyone read it?
by jay dubless init was released a few months ago.
it is not religious propaganda.
written by dr eben alexander, a neurosurgeon, who went into a coma for a week, and his subsequent journey into the afterlife.
jay dubless
Cofty, sounds like you are still letting others do your thinking for you. Didn't we abandon that principal when we left the Society?
Proof of Heaven book - anyone read it?
by jay dubless init was released a few months ago.
it is not religious propaganda.
written by dr eben alexander, a neurosurgeon, who went into a coma for a week, and his subsequent journey into the afterlife.
jay dubless
A lot of pre-judging going on already. Please only jump in if you have read the book. Sir 82: his mind was off, non-functional. His spirit took the journey. Dig? Read the book, if you choose, then discuss. There is also a youtube version, if you don't like to read.
Proof of Heaven book - anyone read it?
by jay dubless init was released a few months ago.
it is not religious propaganda.
written by dr eben alexander, a neurosurgeon, who went into a coma for a week, and his subsequent journey into the afterlife.
jay dubless
It was released a few months ago. It is not religious propaganda. Written by Dr Eben Alexander, a neurosurgeon, who went into a coma for a week, and his subsequent journey into the afterlife. As a brain surgeon, he previously believed that any consciousness after the brain was dead was impossible. Because his neocranium was "off", not even dreaming was possible. Since he had no recollection of earth, himself, or his past, there was nothing to "pull him back", and he went deeper than anyone else on record. So it is written from a scientific standpoint. I've given away a few copies, and passed my own along to close friends. We enjoy discussing it. I feel his story is credible. Anyone else read it?
New member says hey
by jay dubless ini have lurked now and then, just decided to join.. my older brother and i were raised by our jw mom, but our dad was a non-practicing catholic.
so we went to the hall, but were considered "weak" witnesses, since our family still celebrated xmas and birthdays, to appease my dad i suppose.
as a kid, i loved these holidays.. anyways, when my brother was 17 (i was 13), he spent a few weeks with our cousins in ky, who are all gung-ho j-dubs, and upon his return, he decided he was going to be more "theocratic".
jay dubless
Quiet One, thanks for the link. I didn't know God is a female...as one girl posted.lol. I can't begin another post until tomorrow. There is so much about these NDE experiences that they share in common. Why I am pointing folks to Dr Alexander's book, Proof of Heaven, is because he went much deeper into the afterlife than anyone else on record, due to his neocranium being shut down, making dreams impossible, and he having no recollection or memory of who he was, or where he came from, there was no desire to come back. And because he himself is a brain surgeon, who did not believe in any consciousness after death, makes it even more remarkable. Anyways, I'll hold back until I can make a new post. I've given copies of it to my children, and shared my copy with some close friends.
I made a comment to my brother before he cut me off, saying that I am hoping the Society sees "new light" on the horribly destructive practice of shunning. Like I said, I don't hold anything against him. It's just one religion's believe that they are doing the right thing. There was only one Jesus, but how many religions are there that claim to have him as their founder? 30,000? And they all believe that theirs is the only one that's right. Some are high control groups, others not so much. That's why all I need is the Bible (not the NW Translation though), Jah, and Jesus in my claim to be a Believer. Take Joseph Smith. When he died (murdered), four different religions came out of that. All claim Smith as their founder. The same is true for Pastor Russell...four religions came out of that, all claiming Russell as their founder. Judge Rutherford had the largest following of those. The Mormon history is a lot more interesting than the JW history though. A good biography written by a non-Mormon, with a non judgemental view, is Joseph Smith, by Robert V Remini. What a story! Sorry if I am wandering off topic. My mind is busy these days.